How often do you think about the health and care of your scalp? Unless you have a recurring issue like dandruff, psoriasis, or hair loss, the answer is likely not often. While we might remember to give our head a good scrub in the shower or when we’re brushing our hair, giving any extra special care to your scalp probably doesn’t happen. Chances are for most people that since our scalp is outta sight, it’s usually outta mind.
Clean, hydrated skin that doesn’t itch or flake, has balanced oil production, regular blood circulation and no inflammation are all markers of a healthy scalp. Since your hair begins to grow beneath the skin’s surface, it is essential that the skin on your head (your scalp!) checks off all the boxes for healthy functioning. Making, growing and keeping strong, healthy, beautiful hair is all dependent on how well your scalp is performing.
Like the skin on your face and body, the skin on the top of your head also deserves special attention and care. Skin is the largest organ on the human body after all, and we wouldn’t dismiss the health of our other organs. Like with other health issues, ignoring underlying hair and scalp problems can lead to all sorts of underlying issues. Need more proof? Read on to see how prioritizing your scalp health can result in longer, stronger, healthier hair.
Enhanced Hair Growth

For many folks, hair growth can be a challenge. Stimulating blood flow through massage is one easy and accessible way to promote hair growth. Massaging your head is easy to do with a scalp massager or hair brush, or even your own hands and fingers. Got extra oily hair? Using a scalp scrub can help to remove sebum that can block hair follicles. Pampering your scalp with natural oils and over the counter or prescription serums can improve the length of your hair.
Improved Texture and Shine
Shiny hair starts with a healthy scalp. While oils and deep conditioning treatments can help, a scalp that’s unhealthy will always lead to lifeless looking hair. When your scalp is at its optimal performance, it produces the correct amount of oils to soothe and moisturize your scalp and hair. When your scalp is able to retain moisture, you’re rewarded with a smoother, softer, shinier head of hair.
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Improved Strength
Rapunzel probably took excellent care of her scalp! While we all might not need to have a head of hair that can be used as a rope, having lush, lovely locks is something most everyone would appreciate. However, even if you are able to grow your hair to a decent length, it won’t stick around long or look its best if your hair isn’t also strong. Breakage happens when hair is dry, brittle and overprocessed, making it weak and prone to split-ends. When you ensure that your hair is free of excess sebum and has good circulation, you’ll improve the overall strength of your hair. Banish brittle hair when you make scalp health a priority!
Reduced Scalp Problems

While many recurring scalp issues like dandruff may require medical intervention, taking good care of your scalp can halt many issues before they even begin. Regular brushing and washing can help to disperse excess oils that clog pores and hinder hair growth. Itchy scalps can find relief through serums, special shampoos and moisturizing treatments. Prevention is the name of the game, so make scalp care a priority before you end up with flaky shoulders or oily hair. However, sometimes hair loss and scalp issues can come from within as a result of a poor diet, unknown illness or aging. Consult your doctor or dermatologist if you suspect that problems with your hair or scalp run more than just skin deep.
Even though some scalp issues can’t be solved at home, for many people all it takes is a few tweaks in your grooming routine to see real results. You can start your healthy hair journey by massaging your scalp and choosing an ozone shampoo that’s designed specifically to support scalp care. By combining good overall health practices like diet, exercise, and a low-stress lifestyle with good grooming habits, you can truly change the way your hair feels and looks. Give your body the TLC it deserves from the tips of your toes to the top of your head. Say goodbye to dry, lackluster locks when you keep your scalp health in mind!